by Attorney Claudia W. Englisby | Feb 10, 2021 | CT Elder Law, Estate Planning, News
Family Estate Planning: What your adult children want you to know As modern medicine keeps us living longer, we find that roles may reverse where “help” from adult children can feel more like “parenting.” This dynamic can be difficult for parents but keep in mind,...
by Attorney Claudia W. Englisby | Dec 16, 2020 | Estate Planning, News
Are you planning ahead, or is indecision handling your estate? Imagine you are swimming and find yourself in the middle of a lake, confused. It would help if you got to shore but don’t know which direction to swim in. The shoreline seems equally far in every...
by Attorney Claudia W. Englisby | Nov 9, 2020 | CT Elder Law, Estate Planning, News
COVID-19 and Eldercare Facilities COVID- 19 issues are newsworthy again today, November 9, 2020. First, Pfizer has released headlines saying their COVID-19 vaccine is predicting to be 90% effective. What great news! As others are echoing the infamous phrase from...
by Attorney Claudia W. Englisby | Nov 1, 2020 | News
November is Family Caregivers Month November is Family Caregivers Month and we take this time to celebrate those who dedicate their time and energy to providing a safe place for their loved ones. This month is to draw attention to the importance of thanking carers for...
by Attorney Claudia W. Englisby | Aug 26, 2020 | CT Elder Law, Estate Planning, FAQ, News
If it’s not in writing, then it didn’t happen. I have shared this grim sentiment with more clients than I care to recount. As the story too often goes, you begin helping mom or dad, here and there. Picking up groceries; making meals; packing medications. Over time,...