200 Day Hill Road Suite 240, Windsor, CT 06095

Are you “sandwiched”? Let’s talk about caring for kids and parents

Sandwiching describes a caregiver who is caught between two different sides of responsibility: raising kids and caring for parents. Kids and parents are the bread, the caregiver is the PBJ.

This group is led by Attorney Claudia Englisby, who was a caregiver for 11 years to various family members while raising a daughter. Through candid discussions on how to navigate these waters, she helps to illuminate the humorous side of living this dilemma daily. All caregivers are welcome! The on-line group aims to focus on supporting one another, finding out of the box solutions for juggling life and caregiving, and learning how to stay sane in the process.

Claudia is a co-founder of the law firm, Disability Planning Partners, Inc., aimed at providing legal solutions in elder care, disability planning, and estate planning.

She will share spinets from her personal experience to invoke round table type conversations and offer her legal experience to group members. Join via Zoom in your pj’s and bringing a glass of wine is strongly encouraged!

Zoom meetings will be held on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m.

Register by clicking here

Claudia W. Englisby

Claudia draws upon her vast legal knowledge and her personal experiences to implement a modern approach to disability and estate planning.

If you have questions about this topic, please contact our offices.